Back At The Barn

January 17, 2009

Remember Red Barn Radio? Well, I was invited back on the show last November (11-5-08).

This time I was joined by fellow musicians Swanagan, Elijah and Salathiel Ray. I really enjoyed the opportunity to perform with these guys. Thanks for joining me fellas!

It was great to once again get to work with Brad, Ed and the rest of the Red Barn crew. The interview segments were a lot of fun too. Brad does a great job directing the show. Hopefully we can do it again sometime!

If you’d like to listen to the show check it out below. You can also find it at the bottom of my About page. As always be sure to let me know what you think. I always enjoy hearing from you!

Adam Hager & Friends on Red Barn Radio Nov. 5, 2008


One Response to “Back At The Barn”

  1. The Massies Says:

    Wow Adam! You guys sound great together. Isaac really loved Whiskey Before Breakfast. We’re anxiously awaiting that new CD.

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