I’m on 1st

June 2, 2008

Last weekend I competed in the annual Vandalia Gathering flatpick guitar contest for the sixth time. I am happy to announce that this year I walked away with a blue ribbon!

A Blue Ribbon!

There are many things I could attribute my winning to, but without God giving me the talent in the first place, and allowing me to play my best in the contest it just couldn’t have happened.

Thank you all so much for your support this year, and in past years. It was great to see many of your smiling faces at the contest, and I know that many of you were there in spirit as well.

For those of you who weren’t able to make it to the contest this year, someone has been kind enough to post a video of my tunes on YouTube. Check it out below.

Friday night, it was an honor to get to play Birdie in the concert with Robin & Dan Kessinger, and Logan Jones, one of Robin’s students. I always enjoy getting to play with such talented musicians.


11 Responses to “I’m on 1st”

  1. Patty Burdette Says:

    Adam Hager, the Flatpickin Phenom!! Congratulations on your well deserved Blue Ribbon.

  2. Patty Stainback Says:

    Adam is awesome!! Love your music and congrads on your win! Proud of you!

  3. Buddy Says:

    Whew! Great stuff! I really wish Mary and I could’ve been there to cheer you on and see you win, but we were in Hammond, IN for Wes’ graduation. I think it’s very impressive that its only taken you six years to go from first-timer to champion…well done.

    Buddy & Mary

  4. Blaine Barringer Says:

    As Gomer would say, “congratualations, congratulations, congratulations!

  5. Robin Kessinger Says:

    Adam, I’m so proud of you! Son, you’re a great guitar player. (I had a lot of fun playing rhythm for you too!)

  6. Beth Jordan Says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Dan Niswander Says:

    Great playing? And also great to have such a great groupie backing you up.

    Congrats on the win.

  8. Kim Wigal Says:

    Dear Adam, we are happy you got a blue ribbon. You did great! All your hard work has really paid off. Emily said, “Man that’s good!” Levi said, “So, he gets to teach now.” I think they want lessons.

  9. Jay Gill Says:

    Hey Adam, great job at Vandalia! I was hoping you wouldn’t mind me posting that video of you on Youtube – even though there were a lot of talented musicians competing this year, I had a feeling that this was going to be your year. Keep up the good work, but more importantly, have FUN with it! Maybe I’ll get to pick with you sometime :)

  10. Micah Carpenter Says:

    Man that was cool my family had a blast

  11. Jim Picarella Says:

    Adam, I am very proud of you for your accomplishments in the music world. The Blue Ribbon is just one of the many prizes and awards that you will receive.
    Congrads from me and many that is watching you…

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